Please contact us if you have a concept, 3D model of your own design that you would like to discuss with us.
Please Note: We can not offer printing of third party designs or models downloaded from websites such as Thingiverse, Printables, Cults etc. as these models may not be licensed for commercial use or may be a third party’s intellectual property.
At Fylde 3D Designs we currently use additive manufacturing technologies using Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and Stereolithography (SLA).
Our FDM products mainly us PLA (polylactic acid) plastic which is heated to around 180-230 degrees celsius in turn turns molton which can then be easily deposited into layers to make a 3D model. PLA is a relatively safe filament as it’s commonly made from fermented plant starch from corn, cassava, maize, sugarcane or sugar beet pulp.
Our other products use SLA technology or more commonly know as resin prints. SLA uses ultra violet (UV) resin chemicals that cure under UV light during the printing process. Resin models can achieve superior levels of details compared to FDM models. Resin is a great option if that model needs extra fine details. Due to the way SLA models are created these require additional post processing with additional chemicals & waste management which can increase costs for production.
Due to the techniques needed to create our models we have a informative page dedicated to advising how to process our models. You can click here to view or you can find a link below in the product support section.
If the model is currently in production we should be able to supply you with whichever parts you would require replacing. However, if the model is out of production where possible we would try to supply the required part but this may not always be possible. If in doubt please contact us.
Not to worry if you need a replacement manual you can download the manual you need from the product manuals page